How To Install Sheet Vinyl Flooring

One of the primary benefits of vinyl flooring is that it is DIY-friendly. Features of sheet vinyl flooring include high water resistance, durability, and ease in installation. Apart from that, it is a cheap flooring material compared to other options. Vinyl flooring is customizable to various themes and one of them is wooden-look which gives your apartment a stylish outlook. It is ideal for bathrooms, laundry rooms, mudrooms, and kitchens. If you want to know how to install vinyl flooring, here we go.

Tools for installing Sheet vinyl flooring 

The tools required for vinyl plank installation include tape measure, Panel saw, putty knife, utility knife, and steel hand roller. The use of each tool is elaborated below:

  1. Tape measure- used to measure the length and width of the material as well as the room.
  2. Panel saw- it is used to cut the vinyl planks into different shapes and sizes to fit perfectly on the floor.
  3. Putty knife- scrapping the subfloor surface to make it smooth and applying plaster where necessary.
  4. Utility knife- fine cutting the vinyl material and removing the extra edges for a perfect fit and uniformity.
  5. Steel hand roller- rolling the vinyl sheet and dispelling any air bubbles trapped between the subfloor and the flooring sheet. The tool also improves adhesion.

After understanding how each flooring installation tool is used. You are set to start the process of vinyl plank installation.

1. Measurement and choice of material

You should take a sketch of the room you want to install vinyl flooring. You can take the measurements to flooring stores to have an experts’ advice on the best material and the amount required.

Sheet vinyl comes in different colors, thickness, and texture. All the materials are purely synthetic and in most cases manufactured from PVC. The choice of the material is dependent on your budget, condition of the room, and traffic. Sheet vinyl is the easiest vinyl type to install because it is a single sheet which you cut to the size of the room. It is ideal for bathrooms and other water prone areas.

2. Smoothing the surface

Vinyl flooring is installable on most surfaces but smoothing the surface improves its durability. You should fill any large cracks and trowel the patch. The ground does not necessary have to be level but the gradient should not be above an eighth inch within 4 ft. vinyl flooring is not ideal for fresh floors which have not fully dried for a period of at least one month. You should also remove all the baseboards and obstacles in the room.

3. Cut the material to size

After measuring the length and width of the room, then cut the vinyl sheet or plank to the desired size. You should leave and expansion allowance gap when installing vinyl planks. Vinyl sheet installation does not require space between the wall and the material because it does not expand. Vinyl plank installation cost is higher compared to vinyl sheet installation cost because it is more involving. Your sketch should help you in cutting the material to size. For thin material, you can place the sheet on the floor and cut leaving some extra inches before cutting to fit.

4. Gluing & Installing Sheet Vinyl flooring 

Here there is a catch, you need the right adhesive for the flooring material you have chosen. Apply the adhesive on the subfloor and gently roll the sheet vinyl from one edge of the room to the other. In case you are installing sheet vinyl tiles, you should start from the center to have a uniform pattern in the room. To improve the adhesion of the material on the subfloor, use the steel hand roller. The tool will ensure there are no bubbles trapped which could lead to warping.

5. Cleaning and returning the baseboards

Once you have installed the sheet vinyl and cut the edges to size, you can hammer the baseboards to firmly hold the material. Then, clean the floor to remove any excess adhesive and other particles which can prick the sheet.

Sheet vinyl application is DIY-friendly and only requires some skills in use of the tools. However, you may need the assistance of an expert for the best outcome. All American Flooring gives free sheet vinyl installation cost estimate at the comfort of your house. You can contact us for more details.