How to Make Small Spaces Look Big through Flooring

The idea of space-limited rooms is now a reality globally. From the posh estates to the shanty slums, you will have a room or two in your house that feels small. Maybe you have tried to change the lamp positioning, rearrange the seats, or shift the mirror, but you still feel confined. But have you thought about making the small spaces look big using flooring tweaks?

After shifting to working from home, you might feel the office desk and chair are taking up a little too much space. Or maybe you have added more items in your kitchen, and it feels cluttered.

Then there is that room that you always wish the architect was more generous with space. When you calculate the cost of bringing down the walls to adjust, it doesn’t make sense. You must get the permits and hire a constructor. Your wallet doesn’t allow you to be such extravagant.

But we’ve got your back. You can make small spaces in your house look bigger with these flooring ideas.

6 Flooring Tips to Make Small Rooms Look Bigger


1. Use the Same Flooring Material

Consistent colors and materials throughout the house give a seamless flow from one room to another. Therefore, the connection between rooms creates an illusion of ample space even when it is limited.

If you have hardwood floors in your living room, bedroom, and kitchen, you should choose a different type for your bathroom. As much as you would like consistency, some flooring materials can’t withstand water-prone areas.

Let your rooms connect so that you get the illusion of one room opening to another. This flooring trick will make a whole new difference, especially in small spaces like the kitchen.

2. Go for Big Tiles

The standard tiles are 30cm in length and width. Avoid the mistake of choosing small-sized-tile flooring for confined rooms because they only emphasize the size.

Big tiles make the room look more spacious because they reduce the busyness. Many grouts create a perspective of a crowded room.

Whether it is kitchen flooring or bathroom, choose less grout and large tile flooring if you want to make the rooms appear spacious.

3. Planks are a Good Option Over Strips

This flooring material applies the same concept as large tiles. Planks with more width reduce the lines in the rooms. Therefore, you get a visual perception of more space. Go for long and wide vinyl or laminate plank flooring to make your small kitchen or bathroom look more spacious.

4. Contrasting Flooring and Furniture Colors

Choosing dull and light colors is another hack to make your small space looks bigger.

Having a dark floor and bright walls and ceiling makes the vertical and horizontal length look vaster. The ceiling seems higher, while the contrast between the colors makes the room seem more spacious.

If dark floors are not your cup of coffee, you can go for light walls and dull furniture. The idea will create the same illusion due to the contrasting colors.

If you have small spaces, it is advisable to avoid similar colors unless they are dark.

There is a question we regularly get, “do dark floors make a room look smaller?” This can’t be further from the truth. On the contrary, dark flooring makes a small space appear more spacious.

5. Diagonal and Parallel Flooring Patterns Will Make Small Spaces Look Bigger

You should install flooring patterns along the longest side of the house. The widest side of the material should face you when you get into a room. The concept creates an illusion of ample space.

When installing tiles on your floor, you can lay them in diamond patterns, which attracts the eye to the diagonal measurement. The trick works well on other flooring materials like carpets, vinyl, and laminate.

You should avoid floral or busy patterns, which can create a perception of limited space.

6. Consider a Few Rugs

This is a tricky balance between size and the furniture you have in your room. You should avoid small area rugs because they can make space even look even smaller.

The furniture should step on the rugs but do not put them under. Area rugs should have similar or close patterns to the wall to create cohesion.

Avoid extreme patterns which might overshadow the other aspects of your room. For example, you can select soft mid-range colors which are neither dull nor bright, like beige.

Time to Make Your Small Room Look Bigger with Flooring Tricks

Now you know how to make your limited space appear more spacious. But you might not have the skills to install large-sized tiles or wide vinyl planks.

All American Flooring will help you install the best flooring materials to create the illusion of a big space in confined rooms. Contact us today!