What you Need to Know About area Rugs

Area rugs bring a profound change in the appearance of your room. The rags sell competitively in the market due to their cozy, soft and warm feel underfoot. The rags are available in many colors that would match any floor and interior décor. Moreover, the rags are easy to move from one-floor area to another. The rags are easy to clean and dry at home. However, the rags are smaller in size in comparison to the wall to wall carpets. They can either be of natural or synthetic origin ranging from cotton to polyester. Below are facts, advantages and disadvantages of area rugs.

Natural or synthetic rug fiber?

We can classify rug fiber as either natural or synthetic, depending on their origin. However, we emphasize the use of natural fiber rugs due to their eco-friendly nature.

Natural area rugs fiber

  1. Sisal: It is highly biodegradable thus environmental friendly. Moreover, the material is readily available.
  2. Woolen: Strong compared to sisal fiber. Also, the material can be used along the corridors, living room and bedroom due to their ability to withstand high foot traffic. Also, the material has a significant resistance to stains and soil. If your dream is to get a durable and yet a natural rag, the woolen rug is a perfect fit.
  3. Silk: It is one of the most luxurious flooring rug fiber. The rag made of silk adds undeniable luster that beautifies your room space. Silk rag brings the elegance that you can only match to that of synthetically made flooring rags.
  4. Cotton: It is another natural area rug option though has a casual appearance.  Moreover, the material is easily washable and affordable.

Synthetic rug fiber

Synthetic rags are products of other materials from the non-natural origin.  They are usually composites of chemicals that may have a residual effect though not a scenario with all synthetic rags. Below are some of the options available in the market.

  1. Polyester: It is available in a myriad of vibrant colors. Also, the material has a luxuriously, soft feel and easy to wash.
  2. Nylon: The material is suitable for high traffic areas due to its resilience and stain-resistance properties. You can easily wash the rug when dirty.
  3. Olefin: The area rug is stain resistant thus easily used in stain prone parts of the house, such as the dining room.

it is the nature of every material, rugs have both positive and negative sides.

Advantages of Area rugs

1. Soft and warm to feel

are soft and comfy underfoot. Besides, you can sit or lie on them with little
to worry about. Mats provide a cushioned floor surface that is ideal for
children and your pets.

the rugs provide comfort that you can never find on the surface of other
flooring materials such as concrete, tiles and wood.  During cold times, the materials conserve
heat, thus making the house warmer. The warmth conserved reduces the amount of
heat required to warm the room, hence decreasing the house heating cost.

2. Readily available

Where can I find floor rugs near me? The question might be the next thought after reading this article. You needn’t worry. Area rugs are readily available in almost every market set up regardless of the size. Furthermore, the material comes in diverse sizes that fit every customer’s need. The most common sizes of rugs include: 8 X 10 and 9 X12 (large), 5 X 8 and 6 X9 (medium), and 4 X 6 (small). The small ones are great for unique areas of your apartment.

3. Insulation

Area rugs are pretty good at insulating heat and sound. Area rugs are capable of reducing up to 10% noise in the room. On the other hand, the mats can help conserve the 10% heat loss through the flooring and make your interior warm.

4. Stylish

Area rugs come in a broad spectrum of colors, sizes and styles that will blend incredibly with your flooring and wall décor. Their flexibility makes them versatile in household use.

5. Provides extra protection to the floor

Area rugs provide an additional layer that protects the floor against abrasion, scouring and pricking. Moreover, the rugs require no adhesives to stick to the floor, thus keeping the floor clean underneath.

Area rugs require proper maintenance to prevent them from turning hyper-allergic due to dust, dirt and debris trapped. Also, the rugs are prone to shading the fibers due to friction that they are subject to in everyday activity.  Some rugs such as cotton-made are susceptible to stains thus should be used in areas with little staining frequency.