5 Methods To Remove Wax Stains On An Area Rug

Area rugs add fascinating beauty to the room space. With the current trendy designs, styles and ideas available for homeowners, area rugs have increasingly become common in most home with concrete flooring. The mats are warm and soft to feel underfoot and highly adjustable in terms of use. In need of your room’s size rug? Needn’t worry. The area rugs come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes that will match your room space. In most cases, many homeowners use area rugs in their living room and bedrooms to keep their feet warm. However, wax spots on your favorite small-sized carpet can be of more concerns. Do you know how to remove wax stains on your area rug? It’s never a big deal. In this article, you’ll learn how to remove all wax from area rug and restore its clean appearance.

The equipment and materials needed to remove wax stains

  • Heat source (boiling water, blow dryer or iron)
  • Vegetable oil or baking soda
  • Paper towel or thin clothes.
  • Ice cubes
  • Plastic putty knife or a dull knife
  • Carpet brush

Method Of Removing Wax Stains From Area Rugs

1. Wax scraping

While it’s not practical to remove wax from any material when still hot and in liquid form, you can achieve a better result when the wax is allowed to dry. The method may go against your expectations of trying to rub the wax when hot. Should you do that, you’ll only spread the wax to cover a larger spot. You better resist the temptation of rubbing the hot wax with your fingers. Instead, you can put some ice cubes on the wax to make it cool and solidify faster for easy scraping in the steps below.

  • Using a plastic putty knife or a dull knife, scrape off the excess wax from your small carpeting before applying any heat. Avoid the use of the sharp knife as it may cut holes into your rug. Also, you should scrub the wax in the direction away from your body not to cause injuries to yourself. Alternatively, you can use a spoon to remove the wax by skimming it on the spot if you can not get a dull knife or a plastic putty knife.
  • Avoid digging into the rug as you might damage it.

2. Melting The Wax

After scraping the wax and its not over, you can use a blow dryer with low heat to melt the wax.

  • Put paper towels on the molten wax. Alternatively, you can use a paper bag if you do not have a paper towel.
  • Blow-dry the surface for about 5 seconds and blot the molten wax out periodically.
  • Replace the paper periodically as the wax continues to come off. The paper cloth will remove the wax after a while. The method works well with large patches of wax. For relatively small stains, you can use an iron to press on the paper towel so that it can pick the molten wax. Alternatively, you can also use blotting papers for the task instead of paper towels on woolen rugs. 

3. Apply Laundry Pre-wash Stain Remover

After using heat to melt the wax, you can also use the laundry pre-wash to remove any lingering wax stain on the rug.

  • Wash the stain using hot water and bleach if the stain was colored and your rug is light colored.
  • Hand-wash the spot using a scrubbing brush to remove the wax stain from your rug

4. Use Of Boiling Water

Dipping the wax-stained part of the rug in hot boiled water should remove the stain. You only need to add baking soda into the hot water to make it more effective.

  • Add six teaspoons full of baking soda into the water
  • Dip the part of the rug into the hot water in a trough and hold it for about a minute and the wax will be off.
  • Repeat the above process for other parts of the rug with wax until you remove all the wax sports.

5. Apply Vegetable Oil Or Carpet Cleaner

After scrapping most of the wax, you can apply vegetable oil to the spot to remove the wax. If the vegetable oil does not give better result, use carpet cleaner and brush them off with a carpet brush.


With the use of any of the above methods, you can remove virtually all the wax stains from your area rugs or small carpets. Also, you can use one or a combination of the approaches to achieve the desired result. The effectiveness of the methods may, to some extent depend on your skills and abilities. Thus, you should be keen and accurate on your workings.